Saturday, October 5, 2013

How Hybrid Solar Airconditioning works

 From California  (Cebu) Electronics


Hybrid Solar Air Conditioning or (Solar Assisted Air Conditioning)

 From Machine History


We can understand from a technical point of view how the hybrid solar air conditioning (solar assisted air conditioning works.  Please read on


A conventional air conditioning system uses the compressor (powered by electricity) to pressurize and heat the refrigerant gas up to about 170 degrees. Hybrid Solar Air Conditioning: A standard air conditioning system uses a compressor to increase the pressure on the gas, forcing it into a liquid in the condenser coil. The change of state of the refrigerant starts to take place approximately 2/3rds of the way down the condenser.    A Solar Hybrid Air Conditioning System uses a different method. It uses the heat from the sun to superheat the refrigerant which enables it to begin changing state in the top 2/3rds of the condenser coil.    By using this method it reduces the superheat of compression required to achieve the cooling process in the conventional cooling system as well as utilizing more of the cooling face of the condenser coil.Hybrid Solar Air Conditioning: A standard air conditioning system uses a compressor to increase the pressure on the gas, forcing it into a liquid in the condenser coil. The change of state of the refrigerant starts to take place approximately 2/3rds of the way down the condenser. A Solar Hybrid Air Conditioning System uses a different method. It uses the heat from the sun to superheat the refrigerant which enables it to begin changing state in the top 2/3rds of the condenser coil. By using this method it reduces the superheat of compression required to achieve the cooling process in the conventional cooling system as well as utilizing more of the cooling face of the condenser coil. It then travels into the outside condensing coils where it changes from a gas into a saturated gas (partial liquid). Typically this occurs in the final third of the condensing coil. From there the saturated gas passes through an expansion devise that allows the refrigerant to become a gas again. Once this happens it can absorb heat from the air passing through the inside coil of the air conditioner. From there the refrigerant goes back to the compressor where it starts the whole cycle again.
Hybrid Solar Air Conditioning DiagramHybrid Solar Air Conditioning Diagram
A hybrid solar air conditioning system uses the same basic equipment as a conventional system with a specialized solar collector that is placed between the compressor and the condensing coils. The primary task of the compressor is to pressurize and heat the refrigerant. The hotter it gets the better. A hybrid solar air conditioning system uses a highly efficient vacuum tube collector filled with an organic liquid product. The collector heats the organic substance to over 350 degrees using the power of the sun to superheat the refrigerant above what the compressor would be able to heat it with electricity. The resulting efficiency derived from the solar collector allows for the refrigerant to work more efficiently with no additional moving parts or motors. This increases the ability of the gas to change back into a liquid much quicker and dramatically reduces the energy requirement of the compressor. The gas now condenses back into saturated gas in the first third of the condensing coil not the final third. Therefore by the time the refrigerant reaches the expansion devise in the inside coil, it is already almost a liquid. This allows the near liquid refrigerant to be more efficient at absorbing heat, making it 5-6 degrees cooler in the inside coil, delivering colder, drier air to the building. Refrigerant Type - 407c or 410

 Theoretically this should work, but it does not according to many users.  CAVEAT EMPTOR PO

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